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Adirondack chair pronunciation

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Kayak - wikipedia, Some modern boats vary considerably traditional design claim title "kayak", instance eliminating cockpit seating paddler top boat ("sit--top" kayaks); inflated air chambers surrounding boat; replacing single hull twin hulls, replacing paddles human-powered. Some modern boats vary considerably from a traditional design but still claim the title "kayak", for instance in eliminating the cockpit by seating the paddler on top of the boat ("sit-on-top" kayaks); having inflated air chambers surrounding the boat; replacing the single hull by twin hulls, and replacing paddles with other human-powered Wall street script - movie scripts movie screenplays, "wall street" original screenplay stanley weiser & oliver stone oaxatal productions, . copyright april 1, 1987 draft rev. 4/2/87 rev. 4/15/87 rev. 4/20/87 rev. 4/23/87. "WALL STREET" ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY BY STANLEY WEISER & OLIVER STONE OAXATAL PRODUCTIONS, INC. COPYRIGHT APRIL 1, 1987 THIRD DRAFT Rev. 4/2/87 Rev. 4/15/87 Rev. 4/20/87 Rev. 4/23/87 Taggart torrens podcast: episode guide, ‘member recall specific cackle-inducing tnt moment couldn’ put finger episode . ‘member when you tried to recall a specific cackle-inducing TnT moment but couldn’t put your finger on which episode it

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