Wednesday, June 5, 2019

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Balsa wood house

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PETER SCHOELCH - Wood-Frame House Model
960 x 1445 jpeg 151kB, PETER SCHOELCH - Wood-Frame House Model

Returning to the Trees: A Tree Home Kit, by John O
600 x 400 jpeg 21kB, Returning to the Trees: A Tree Home Kit, by John O

True Scale House Framing Kit (W36790)
1100 x 1100 jpeg 163kB, True Scale House Framing Kit (W36790)

Architecture and Design
1085 x 553 jpeg 65kB, Architecture and Design

conceptMODEL : Photo
1280 x 859 jpeg 138kB, ConceptMODEL : Photo

ARCHIMOD ::Office Park Models
720 x 540 jpeg 327kB, ARCHIMOD ::Office Park Models

True Scale House Framing Kit (W36790)

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